Monday, December 19, 2005

dec 19 issue: radosh and collins bore me

First off, I broke one of my New Year's Resolutions already. The one about not wasting time reading Talk of the Town.

Secondly, I called Daniel Radosh David Radosh when I linked to his caption contest. I would think emdashes might have caught this, but then, I get the sense she's not reading my blog as closely as I thought she was or she might also have noticed that I'm a woman. I've recently learned that this baffles my readers, but it's true. I think my language must be strongly gendered masculine (and perhaps masculine queer?) and if you guys have reached a consensus, let me know.

But David or Daniel notwithstanding, I like his blog and find it angry and readable. Less fun was his Talk of the Town "Mean Streets Dept. Cyber City." He had two NY tour guides play a game that simulated NY streets.

Whilst and at the same time (Gonzo says this on The Muppet Show and at This Critical Juncture we love Muppet jokes), in this month's Talk of the Town, Lauren Collins looks for John Q. Gotham, the average New Yorker with Kevin O'Keefe, some guy who wrote some sort of statistical book on the average American.

I don't like these the heavily constructed project, field trip, controlled experiment type of Talk of the Town. It seems to stand in for a good eye, a good ear, or good research into something people have actually noticed and cared about. But whatever, I think the problem is that Talk of the Town is, right now, for whatever reason, a weak genre. They could expand the arts coverage and make coverage of events, screenings, exhibits more thorough by actually writing about people and places and how these figures fit into larger industries or movements. But that would be super-dull unless the writers were willing to be critical and, if we go by what Acocella has contributed to Talk of the Town in this direction, they aren't willing to be critical at all.

Plus, Radosh and Collins were repetitive together because they were both doing an explicit, yet annoyingly vague and broad, what defines New York thing . . .

Well, it IS bedside reading. Yawn.

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